After a campaign to raise the bar during my summer of not working since I was in high school, my body, knees, were rendered useless. I got some much needed rest for a few weeks, missing one key race that I should have been at, before jumping back into the woods. I took the old SS out on a night jaunt with the Dutch Eagle and everyting seemed to be working fine. Another woods ride in Mountain Top two days later would prove to be a total blow to my self-esteem and almost put me back to square one with my troubles. Damn! It's fall! The best time for riding trails is here and I might be f'd! I would trade in any of the good races I had this year to ride right now.
Some more time off the bike, some light road spinning, and a lot of thinking over a few weeks. I think I have an answer, gears!? I haven't owned a geared mountain bike in a few years and haven't ridden one in about five years! How do they work? Which kind do I buy? Obviously I should get the best I can for the cash I have. So I made some calls and rolled out to check out some rides. Of course I got a new bike, and it has some weird shit hangin' off it in various places, but what impressed me was that it weighed in less than a pound more than my singlespeed! Old friends come through in big ways when you really need it, and I would like to thank Jay and Mark at Sickler's for getting me back in the woods during the best time of the year. SS is not dead, just on vacation! As for what I'm riding...see ya on the trails!
That's a list of results!
Can't wait to see the gears in action.
Feeeel the spin Luke.
Thanks bro!
yo huber,
I got some pics for you. I finally put up the 400 plus pics from seven springs. check it out at
Theres several of you mixed up in there. Let me know what you think.
Isn't that the kicker? Long season. Fall arrives. Best time to ride and the machine needs rest.
a lefty 29er? Even the young get old eventually
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